Thursday, August 24, 2006

I haven’t updated this is a while. I am going to try and be better about that. Matter of fact, I am going to try and update this everyday between now and my fall marathon October 14th.

There’s 51 days between now and then, and everyday and ever decision counts if I am to have a decent (or at least not embarrassing) time.

Anyway, here’s the update:

Weightloss has been hard. Harder than expected. Depending on the day, I am anywhere from 187 to 190. That sucks. I need to get a lot more hardcore about this if I am to meet my goal. And I am all about meeting goals right now, so I am saying no to bread, sugar and holding beer and wine to one or two at social occasions.

Its tough losing weight while training because I am hungry pretty much all the time. I need to smarter about what I eat and not over do it while still consuming enough calories to keep the engine fueled.

The rest of the training is pretty much on track. I was supposed to do six miles today, but a tightness in my calves kept the number to closer to three. I am about to head out and get that last three for the day. Tomorrow is sweet, I only half to do 4, then Saturday is a dreaded 20 milers. Yikes.


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