Friday, September 29, 2006

With the pressure off since I am only doing a half marathon in October, I am starting to put time into strength training. Its something I have been meaning to do for a while, but am just now getting into and I have to say, I love it.

I know a lot of triathletes think strength training is something you can skip in favor of long runs and bikes, but I gotta say, if Mark Allen and David Scott are both believers in the benefits of strength training than so am I.

Plus, at this early stage of my lifting, I am seeing real results.

My weight workout:

I started out using the program Mark Allen wrote up in an issue of triathlete magazine from a couple months back and have been adding and subtracting to it as I progress. Here it is:

Two days a week I am doing 2x15 of the following:

Lat Pull Downs
Bench Press
Calf rises
Dumbbell pullovers
Backward lunges
Tricep curls
Pull Ups
Ball balanced push-ups
Another weird core exercise.

One day a week I am doing the same set but with a heavier weight and less reps (usually 2x10)

Anyone else out there lifting? Any ideas on exercises I should (or shouldn’t) be doing?


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