Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Yesterday was a rest day for running and my god did I need it. My recovering run on Sunday (4 miles) was painful and this morning’s six miler still hurt.

I didn’t run yesterday, but I did lift weights with my friend J who is huge, and super into lifting. It was a good education in how to actually work the machines. Once Hartford is over, I hope to add regular weight training to my off season base building. I will post here my routine once I get one together.

Today's weight: 188. This is the first week in forever that I have consistently been under 190.

Today's run: 6 miles in 65 minutes (my chest hurt like hell from the bench presses I did last night. That effected my ability to run this morning and is something I should keep in mind in planning my runs and lifting routines in the future).

Friday, August 25, 2006

It was an easy four miler today, which was nice. The calves still hurt something serious, but I hope a little icing and stretching will help since tomorrow, at seven a.m. I am doing a twenty milers. Yikes.

It’s going to be a long slog, but I hope to get it out of the way before the late August D.C. heat starts. We’ll see how I feel, but anyway you cut it, I am staying out there till I finish twenty miles whether that means I have to fucking crawl the last five or not…

Starting tomorrow, I’ll be keeping track of times distance and weight on a daily basis here. Hopefully, I’ll see some improvement that will be inspiration to keep up with the training long term.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

I haven’t updated this is a while. I am going to try and be better about that. Matter of fact, I am going to try and update this everyday between now and my fall marathon October 14th.

There’s 51 days between now and then, and everyday and ever decision counts if I am to have a decent (or at least not embarrassing) time.

Anyway, here’s the update:

Weightloss has been hard. Harder than expected. Depending on the day, I am anywhere from 187 to 190. That sucks. I need to get a lot more hardcore about this if I am to meet my goal. And I am all about meeting goals right now, so I am saying no to bread, sugar and holding beer and wine to one or two at social occasions.

Its tough losing weight while training because I am hungry pretty much all the time. I need to smarter about what I eat and not over do it while still consuming enough calories to keep the engine fueled.

The rest of the training is pretty much on track. I was supposed to do six miles today, but a tightness in my calves kept the number to closer to three. I am about to head out and get that last three for the day. Tomorrow is sweet, I only half to do 4, then Saturday is a dreaded 20 milers. Yikes.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


  1. Wow it is hot in New York. I tried to get in my six mile run yesterday afternoon (at 3 o’clock in the afternoon!) but didn’t make it very far. Today, I’ll be hitting the treadmill like a rodent in a cage.

  1. Surprising no one who has been reading this blog, I am behind in my marathon training. I was supposed to do eighteen miles this weekend. I did thirteen. I think I’ll be fine, the numbers are going up, more slowly than they should, but still, they’re two months, I’ll be fine. Right?

  1. Weight loss is a challenge for me. I am much better at adding things to my life than I am at giving this up, and giving up beer and pizza has been hard. I am down at 189 (on a good day, Monday for some reason I was 191). I need to be diligent about what I am eating, but it seems like there is always a good excuse to eat something I shouldn’t. That needs to change.

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